Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Eagle has landed

Just chatted via email with Carissa a few minutes ago.  She didn't have a great flight, it was delayed 4 hours, most of which on the plane.  After about 3 hours, they started barrelling down the runway full speed and then had to abort the takeoff because there was another plane in the way!  Thankfully, they didn't crash.  I'm hoping my trip goes a little more smoothly.  Once she got in to Frankfurt, Carney picked her up and they went to the base in Bamberg and got her ID card so we she can get on and off the base on her own.  They then drove on to Graf, directly to the dental clinic.  She met her boss and the two other general dentists she'll be working with.  They took her around Graf a little bit and to their houses for some tea and then they all went out to dinner. 
Carissa's Hotel

As far as the town she said what she saw was awesome.  She said the area looks a lot like Minnesota, just more beautiful, with churches and castles off in the distance, more rolling hills, etc.  The hotel is fine.  Sounds like the only thing in the room is a bed.  When I talked to her she had been up for 31 hours straight (she didn't sleep on the plane) so it was a short conversation.  She hopes to get her own phone tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for reminding us that you'll be in a place much more beautiful than the rest of us.
