Thursday, May 6, 2010

Last Day at Home / School

Today is our last day at home and the kids last day of school.  We are scheduled to leave tomorrow (Friday) night at 5pm and landing in Nuremburg at about 11am.  So far the kids have been excited to see their mom, no tears yet about leaving their friends.  There were tears last night though, at least for Lydia.  I found out yesterday morning that Elise and Lydia needed a couple more vaccinations in order to attend school in Germany.  So as soon as they got home from school we went to the doctor for shots.  I made it up to them with some ice cream from Nelson's.  Just a couple more things to do around here and then my mom is coming to pick us all up - we are staying at her house tonight - that way Haaken won't have a chance to destroy our clean house.  Looking forward to finally getting over to Graf with Carissa.


  1. I teared up reading about your last night in the house. We'll miss you!

  2. Matt's been in the air for 3 minutes. Fly safe buddy.

  3. Matt and kids hit cruising altitute of 35,000 feet just north of Silver Bay about 34 minutes into the flight. Drink cart should be by shortly. I guess Amsterdam has the ball.

  4. I hope all the kiddos are fast asleep by travels and we're thinking of all of you!
