Monday, June 21, 2010

A Kitchen, a Birthday and Father's Day

The temperature has dropped in a past 4 days - we're sitting at mostly overcast and high 50s, low 60s.  We had a pretty eventful weekend starting with our kitchen being delivered and installed.  The movers told us to expect them around 930 at our house because they were planning to pick up the kitchen in Amberg (about 40 min away) at around 8 am.  At 10 Carissa got a call from the colonel that the movers had just called and told him the truck broke down on the way so they were going to be late.  The colonel guessed that the truck breaking down actually meant they stopped for breakfast.  They finally got here at around 12:30 and the install was done at about 5:30.  What they had told us would be a half day job actually took the entire day, but at least they didn't try to charge us more.  The install went pretty smoothly with one exception.  We have a pretty large space above the counter where they were unable to hang a cabinet because the wall is hollow and can't support it.  There is also a hole from the plaster disintegrating in that space, so Carissa and I have to get a little creative to make that spot look a little better.  I think we are just fill the hole as best we can, paint over it and put up a little shelf with a plant or something on it to cover the wall.  Aside from that it's a huge upgrade and we are thrilled to finally have it in.  We also got our dining room table so no more eating on the coffee table sitting on the floor. 

Friday also was Elise's 9th birthday - we postponed the celebration until Saturday, but she did get to pick what she wanted for dinner and decided on the Tex-Mex place in town which is actually really good.  Saturday morning we got up and Elise opened her presents and then drove over to Weiden to their Farmer's market (Elise's choice).  It was a beautiful morning and we strolled along the street eating some sort of fried flower from a street vendor - delicious.  We picked up some rolls, musli and eggs and then stopped at a cafe for some coffee, tea, and bagel sandwiches.  Just as we were about to sit down these two little lap dogs at the table next to us got into quite the fight, rolling around and really going at it.  The owner was trying to pry them apart as they were crashing into adjacent chairs and tables.  At one point he lifted one up by the hind quarters while the other was dangling in the air, both dogs holding on to each other's faces by their teeth.  I tried to get a picture, but Carissa poo pooed that idea so I couldn't get a good one.  Finally he got them apart and thankfully left.

We hung out in the square for a couple more hours as the vendors closed up shop and then headed home.  After a little down time Elise's wanted to go bowling on post (she scored over 100 and beat dad) and then we came back home for frozen pizza's in the "new" oven.

Father's Day was nice as well.  I got a little stereo system for the house so I can play some music while I'm home and Carissa made a nice breakfast of eggs and pancakes.  Then we packed up and headed to Regensburg which is a beautiful medieval city about an hour away.  Since it was Sunday all the stores were closed but we visited St. Peter's Catherdral which is incredible.  600 years old and built in the French Gothic style.  We wandered around the huge sanctuary looking at the tombs of priests and little chapels and such.  After we had made our way around the inside Mass was starting up so we sat down and listened for about 15 minutes which was really cool.  Outside the weather was getting worse and we strolled on a little further, but then the rain forced us to turn back and head home.  We are going to head back there this Saturday when there is a little more action and hopefully the weather is nicer.

This week is the first week of summer vacation for the girls.  All 3 have VBS in the evening this week so Mom and Dad get a little kid free time to get some errands done or even better just enjoy the quiet.  Tomorrow we are supposed to get our phone and a internet.  Once we get that set up we need to set up some Skype dates with family and friends.


  1. Love the kichen! The church is incredible; I can't wait to come again and do some visiting. Elise has quite the form for bowling, looks like a pro!! The kids are getting so grown does that happen in just two months? Tell them to stop or I won't recognize them next year :)

  2. Glad everything is starting to settle down and get into a routine. Kitchen looks great! We skype all the time, so when your up and running with internet add us to your contacts. I believe its jrmama2323.

  3. Looks like fun- hope you are enjoying yoursself

    Bill Bergstrom

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Knutson family...I have loved your recent updates and pics - cave, church, kitchen, etc. That's what we're talking about! I am a big foodie (obviously) so I appreciate the food 411. I have been to Gasthof zur Gemutlichkeit several times but could not imagine going everyday. Das boot!!!

    Thanks for sharing all the smiles.


  6. Great to see that you finally have a kitchen. Now you can make your own 3 foot ham and cheese, without the professional sandwich artist getting into your kitchen. Just hang the Rolling Stones tongue picture over the hole in the plaster and you'll be good to go. I'm also happy to see that you went to church. Although 15 minutes doesn't quite fufill your weekly mass obligation. Too slow, do less. The family looks great! Did Elise pick up that spare?
